
The Science

How it works
Body Rocket's direct force drag measurement (DFDM) system differs from every other on-bike aero solution because it's the first and only to actually measure the drag forces you want to reduce. Body Rocket isolates the forces acting on the rider from those acting on the bike. This results in data which is more reliable, accurate and actionable. That’s why we’re the only ones with published test results vs a wind tunnel.
Why it matters
“I spent the last Olympic cycle looking for an on-road aero solution and Body Rocket is the only one that will work”. Olav Aleksander Bu is the driving force behind the Norwegian Method that’s taken triathlon by storm. After an exhaustive search of technologies he came to Body Rocket. Hear about his experience here.
What makes it different
Only Body Rocket directly measures the drag forces you want to know. All other on-road systems rely on a power meter to measure the energy going into your bike. Then they need to guess at your drivetrain losses, rolling resistance, and weight changes. All are things that keep changing as you ride, making it hard to get consistent results and eating up hours of  time sifting through results. Pros don’t have time for that and neither do you! Proven within a 2.5% error vs wind tunnels across all conditions and, when used for controlled tests, typically within 1%.
How much does body position impact your aerodynamics?
80% of aerodynamic drag is created by your body: your position, your apparel and the way you move as you ride. Until now, the best way to accurately measure your aerodynamic drag has been to book a session at a wind tunnel or velodrome.

Even then, the results you get under lab conditions are likely to vary significantly from those you’ll experience on the open road. It can be hard to judge whether you’re replicating the same optimal positioning you were shown in the wind tunnel.

In his preparation for the Olympics, we helped Kristian Blummenfelt save more than three minutes over the 40km bike leg distance through changes to bar width, stem length and skinsuit design – all without Kristian visiting a wind tunnel or interrupting his training to do so. This is the power of real-time aero.
The Future of Performance